Include Suffolk was last inspected by Ofsted in July 2024 in which it received an overall rating of Good.
The school is ambitious for every pupil. Staff’s patient approach helps to build nurturing and trusting relationships. They provide opportunities for pupils to develop their confidence and self-worth. This helps pupils to enjoy positive experiences. Many leave able to re?engage with learning at their next stages of education.
Our priority is improving outcomes for young people with emotional and mental health needs. We are pleased that inspectors recognise the great improvements that leadership has made. The personal development, behaviour, safeguarding and welfare services of the school have been praised throughout all 3 sites.
Inspection January 2019
Monitoring Inspection October 2017
Inspection March 2017
Inspection October 2013
Parents and carers are encouraged to give feedback about the Academy to Ofsted directly, using the Ofsted Parent View questionnaire.
Information about Include Suffolk school performance can be found on the Department of Education school and college performance website.
Please find below our most recent Ofsted reports and relevant information from the Department for Education Performance Tables.