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Catch22’s approach to safeguarding all of our learners is founded in the nature of our relationships. We prioritise assessing and managing the needs of our learners and have a dynamic approach to identification, assessment and response to risk.


The school aims to ensure that:

  • Appropriate action is taken in a timely manner to safeguard and promote children’s welfare
  • All staff are aware of their statutory responsibilities with respect to safeguarding
  • Staff are properly trained in recognising and reporting safeguarding issues


In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, all practitioners should make sure their approach is child-centred. This means that they should consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child. 


Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as: 

  • protecting children from maltreatment, 
  • preventing the impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development, 
  • ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care, and 
  • taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes. 


Include Suffolk fully recognises the responsibility we have to safeguard and promote the welfare of young people.

Safeguarding Policies


Read the Include Suffolk’s Safeguarding Policies below:

Designated Safeguarding Leads


Lead DSL - Daryl Bates -


Ipswich DDSL - Tamsyn Carter -


Lowestoft DDSL - Joanna Steele -


Bury St Edmunds DDSL - Elisha Langan -

Information for Students


If you think you or someone you know is being abused, or neglected, or have any safeguarding issues that you would like to report, or simply get some advice on, you can do this by using this link: Report a Safeguarding Concern


Any reports made on here will be shared with Gemma Roberson, the Head of Safeguarding for Catch22. 


Student Safeguarding Useful Links


Information for Parents


Include Suffolk works with many other organisations and agencies to support and safeguard the young people with whom we work.


If you are worried about yourself or someone else, the following links may be useful in directing you to an organisation that can help: 


Social Care and Early Help Services


Disabled children and young people have the same rights as other children and we want to make sure that we offer the correct support to ensure they have the same opportunities as other children. Families in Suffolk may be supported by different teams within Suffolk County Council’s services for children and young people. To find out more about what support is available, please visit the Suffolk InfoLink Community Directory website below.

The CEOP Safety Centre


The CEOP link below provides a gateway to the CEOP Safety Centre, an area of the CEOP website offering:

  • advice on a range of online safety issues, such as hacking and cyberbullying.
  • signposting to NCA-CEOP partners offering help and support on issues outside of CEOP’s remit, such as ChildLine and BeatBullying.
  • reporting of suspected or known child sex offender activity directly to CEOP for investigation.


CEOP operates a 24/7 service for the receipt of reports.


Reports can be made to CEOP by a young person or on their behalf by a parent/carer or professional working with these groups. Children under 11 years of age are encouraged to tell an adult that they trust about what has happened and to ask for their help in reporting this either to CEOP or local police.


All reports to CEOP are treated as reports of crime
